5 Things To Do Before Giving Birth

Giving birth is a hurricane of feelings, regardless of whether this is your first or fourth, or even seventh baby. Introducing a new baby to your life can be exciting, as well as exhausting. Especially the newborn stage, where routines are first established and tasks are difficult due to lack of time and/or sleep, or both!

To help you prepare, here’s a quick list of 10 things to do before giving birth that will help the transition weeks go a little more smoothly.

1. Prep/Make and Freeze Meals

I know it can feel daunting in the final weeks before giving birth to plan a menu and prep for the weeks ahead. Thankfully, there’s Pinterest! There are so many recipes out there already formatted for meal-prep cooking, just browse and select your favorites.

Host a prep party where family and friends can come and help you prepare freezer meals while spending quality time with the mama-to-be. This especially works for those friends and family members that want to offer help and aren’t sure how!

2. Stock up on Household Essentials

The last thing you want when caring for your new bundle of joy is to run out of shampoo and/or conditioner while getting that rare opportunity to shower. Make sure you’re prepared for the “holy crap” moments by stocking up on the essentials.

Before giving birth, set up an Amazon delivery subscription, take a trip to your local Sam’s Club or BJ’s, or maybe add some items to your baby registry.

3. Prepare all the Baby’s Gear

This does not have to be a chore! Many people find decorating and assembling items enjoyable. Some women channel those “nesting” urges into final preparations. Having the nursery completed, seasonal clothing, and the changing station will give you peace of mind.

Before giving birth, you should have purchased most of the big-ticket items. Now it’s time to assemble and test them to be sure you’re comfortable using them daily. Personally, less is more. Especially the first few months. Make sure you’re familiar with the car seat and stroller, the crib or bassinet, and diapers. Honestly, that’s all the first few weeks really include.

4. Prepare for the Hospital/Birthing Center

As your due date sneaks closer, you should be preparing for your hospital stay or birthing center. Don’t forget to include the fastest/best route to the location and have those suitcases packed and ready in case you need to leave in a hurry. As a bonus, here’s a great list of what to pack in your hospital bag. Again, keep it simple. Most of the essentials will be provided in the hospital, and since most birthing centers send you home the same day you’ll already have everything there.

5. Take Some Time for Yourself

The time before you have a baby is valuable for much more than checking off things on a list. Take time for yourself, both alone and with your partner. The love that comes with those ten little toes and sweet little nose and all-consuming. However, you might miss having time alone (5-minute showers don’t count), or a quiet moment with your significant other. Take this opportunity to enjoy the things you love before giving birth.

Some people choose to go on a “babymoon”. If you have the means, time, and energy for this type of activity, go for it! Child-free vacations will be hard to come by soon. Make sure to plan accordingly to travel safely during pregnancy. If you can’t swing a full-fledged trip, a local staycation will work just fine as well! Find a nice hotel, splurge on room service, and a prenatal massage. The point is to RELAX.

October 16, 2022

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